
"NUAC Programme Definition Phase Final Report" is pulished 10 October 2006

With background in the Single European Sky legislation, the national strategic directions outlined in Denmark and Sweden respectively and the general pressure for change in European Air Traffic Management, the NUAC Programme was established and tasked with the assignment of investigating the possibilities for a closer cooperation between LFV/ANS and Naviair.

In accordance with the given task, the NUAC Programme has analysed three possible scenarios for a closer cooperation in order for the companies to lower their costs and thus ensuring a cost reduction for Air Navigation Services in Danish and Swedish airspace whilst maintaining at least today´s high level of flight safety.

The aim is to conclude the work in a Definition Phase by 2006 in order to have a robust platform for decision-making regarding the strategic direction and the description of the necessary work to be done in order to ensure the future development of the NUAC Programme. The implementation of a possible new concept is expected to be initiated 2008.


For further information:

NUAC Programme
Eva Håkansson
NUAC Programme Information Coordinator
T: +46 708 23 13 28
E-mail: eva.hakansson@lfv.se

Kurt Andreasen
Manager PR & Communications
T: + 45 3247 7901
E-mail: kua@naviair.dk


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