På et møde den 5. september 2003 mellem de nordiske ANS-direktører har NUAC projektet passeret endnu en afgørende milepæl.
Efterfølgende er nedenstående information blevet publiceret:
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Work within the Nordic UAC project has now entered well into Phases 2 and 3: the Company Foundation and the Operational Implementation. Following Phase 1 Finnish CAA and Avinor Norway had some reservations towards the full commitment to join the future Nordic UAC – NUAC. These two organisations have used the first half of 2003 to further study their operational needs within the NUAC Concept and to work out proposals for modifications in order to improve their Business Cases.
The result of these studies were discussed 5th September 2003 when the Nordic Directors General CAA/ANS met to decide on the further proceedings of the NUAC project.
The discussions resulted in the following conclusions/decisions:
1. Based on a status report from the NUAC Steering Group and a presentation of an Avinor/Norway and CAA/Finland, produced survey, the meeting concluded the following:
a) The NUAC project is aimed at establishing a new and 5th Service Provider for provision of air traffic services in the Nordic air space, initially regarding the air space above FL 285.
The NUAC company shall be established in a form that allows ownership from the present owners of respective Service Providers.
b) The NUAC company shall be competitive both with regard to safety, efficiency and price.
c) The NUAC company will be established initially with the aim to deliver service provision in the upper air space in Denmark and Sweden.
d) The NUAC project is not aimed at establishing a functional block of air space in the Nordic area. This a separate question. However, by establishing a NUAC company as Service Provider for the air space above FL 285 in Denmark and Sweden, a kind of a functional block of air space is indirectly established.
e) If one of the existing Nordic Service Providers should experience overcapacity or efficiency problems, these problems will be handled by each Service Provider, and not as part of the NUAC company.
2. Avinor/Norway and CAA/Finland, concluded that for the time being there is not sufficient justification for delegating service provision in the upper air space of Norway and Finland to a new NUAC company.
However, Avinor/Norway and CAA/Finland consider it of importance still to participate in the NUAC project, and still to be regarded as potential co-owners of the NUAC Company. Avinor/Norway and CAA/Finland consequently will continue their participation in the NUAC Steering Group but otherwise not participate in the project for the moment.
3. CAA/Sweden and Naviair/Denmark will continue the NUAC project as planned with the aim of establishing the NUAC company according to the previous agreed time table.
4. The Nordic DGs will meet again in one years time and review the situation.
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The costs expected to be encountered within the continuation of the project are mainly use of internal CAA, Sweden and Naviair, Denmark human resources, supplemented with some technical support measures. In support of the first step towards the realisation of the Nordic UAC, the creation of the NUAC company and the transferral of ATS provision for Swedish and Danish upper airspace, the NUAC project has been granted EU TEN-T funding of 7.8 M EUR.
The negotiations concerned with the setting up of the new organisation is for the moment centered around financial aspects with the aim to set up a new company according to the previous agreed tim table.
Within the regulatory, operational, technical and safety areas work is mainly centered around the detailing of requirements and the definition of their timely accomplishment in order to adhere to the proposed time schedule for transferral of service provision, November 2005 and February 2006.
On behalf of
Lennart Jönsson
Chairman NUAC Steering Group
Sincerely yours
Erling Fallesen
NUAC Project Manager
Yderligere information om NUAC kan findes her:
Internationalt > Nordic UAC
Naviair Allé 1 | DK 2770 Kastrup | Telefon: 3247 8000 | Fax: 3247 8800 | presse@naviair.dk