I seneste udgave af The Parliament Magazine, som udsendes til EU parlamentarikere og embedsmænd mv. er NUAC og DK-SE FAB blevet profileret under siderne om Single European Sky af LFV og Naviair.
Opslaget JUST DOING IT i sammenhæng med SES artiklernes budskaber, viser tydeligt, at LFV og Naviair er helt fremme i Europa og har fremvist konkrete resultater ved realisering af DK-SE FAB, NUAC, COOPANS og Entry Point North. Opslaget kan findes på side 58-59 i magasinet.
Clear skies ahead? Without a safe, efficient and modern airspace management programme, the EU risks falling behind its international competitors, argues Jacqueline Foster, MEP and Spokesperson on the Transport & Tourism Committee
SESAR: The Technological Arm of the Single European Sky, by Jacqueline Foster
Delivering improved performance It is now a decade since the European Commission launched the Single European Sky (SES) Programme, by Frank Brenner, Director General of EUROCONTROL
A state of uncertainty? The EU will have to overcome conflicting interests if it is to unify Europe’s airspace, writes Spyros Danellis, Spyros Danellis member of parliament’s transport and tourism committee
Flying solo Commission proposals should focus on building the single European sky directly and forget about functional airspace blocks, argues Marian-Jean Marinescu, member of parliament’s transport and tourism committee
Sky’s the limit Europe must manage its airspace access more efficiently if it wants to fully unlock the potential of the single European sky, warns Jacek Krawczyk, Vice Presidint and Rapporteur for the commission’s single European sky II.
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