I okober månedsbrevet "THE GLOBAL LINK" udgivet af ARINC, USA indgår en mindre artikel om Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) via data link mellem luftfartøjer og lufttrafiktjenesteenheder.
Flyvesikringstjenestens system til anvendelse for lufttrafik til Københavns Lufthavn er omtalt heri. Blandt andet er nævnt, at alene luftfartsselskabet SAS i august måned havde ca. 20.000 anmodninger om ATIS via dette system.
Se hele nedenstående artikel:
D-ATIS and ATS Services
By: Manager, Aviation Services Ben Griffin tel +011 44 (0) 1293 76 3305 fax +011 44 (0) 1293 76 3211 bgriffin@arinc.com
Applications are fast becoming the number one priority
for data-link-equipped airlines. Providing more and more
functionality for our customers through data link is
now a major focus for ARINC globally. Enhancements
in cockpit procedures, increase in safety, reductions in
voice transmissions, ability to use the application out of
VHF voice range are all factors that make the Digital
Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) the
number one ATC application today.
D-ATIS is a data link transmission of the ATIS that
allows the flight crew to obtain pertinent airport
weather and conditions information prior to making
the approach to an airfield. With traditional VHF voice
ATIS, the flight crew is limited to obtaining this report
within VHF voice range and must transcribe this report
and advise ATC that they have the current version of
the ATIS message. Given that the descent into the air-port
is typically the busiest time in the cockpit, it is less
than ideal to have one of the crew listening to and tran-scribing
an ATIS report. D-ATIS allows the flight deck to
request and receive a printed version of the ATIS at any
stage of the flight given that they are within VHF, HF, or
satellite data link coverage area (depending on aircraft
equipage). This provides the flight deck with the ability
to plan the approach well ahead of time and assess
the airport conditions without dedicating a member of
the crew to the VHF ATIS channel during a crucial
stage of the flight.
In Europe, ARINC is supporting the various air
traffic ser vice providers (ATSPs) by making many of
the major international airports D-ATIS capable. As of
September 2001, there are 19 locations where D-ATIS
is available in Europe, with a further 28 planned. Most
recent to become operational was Copenhagen Kastrup;
a full ARINC 623 ser vice is now available for use at
Copenhagen, which represents a significant amount of
coordination and teamwork between ARINC and the
Danish air traffic service provider NAVIAIR. Attesting
to the popularity of the Copenhagen system is the
fact that there were almost 20,000 requests from SAS in
August alone.
Many other ATS services have been implemented
over data link, including oceanic clearance delivery
(OCD) for both the Shanwick and Gander FIRs. ARINC
recorded more than 2,500 OCD requests in August with
an uplink success rate for the clearances of over 99%.
Departure clearance (DCL) is now available at some of
the major European airports, including Copenhagen and
Paris Charles de Gaulle. D-VOLMET (Meteorological
Information for Aircraft in Flight) is also now available
at a number of locations, including Austria, the U.K.,
and Sweden, providing METAR and TAF information
for flight regions.
/Corporate Development 7.12.01
Naviair Allé 1 | DK 2770 Kastrup | Telefon: 3247 8000 | Fax: 3247 8800 | presse@naviair.dk