Five shortened routes
reduces CO2 emission.

> Aviation & Environment: www.enviro.aero

CANSO Environmental Goal 2050

20. april 2009 

From 9th April 2009 airlines passing through Danish airspace, have been able to use 5 shortened routes. In co-operation with Sweden and Germany, Naviair has altered and shortened 5 existing routes .
To the airlines, this will imply less flight time and will reduce fuel as well as CO2 emission.

Minimum annual CO2 reduction
3 shortened East- and Westbound routes reduce CO2 emission by a minimum of 3,350 tons (See map).

2 shortened North- and Southbound routes reduce CO2 emission by a minimum of 700 tons. (See map).

Total annual CO2 reduction will thus amount to a minimum of 4,050 tons.



Flexible and service-minded Air Traffic Control
Naviair’s principle has always been to provide each aircraft optimum service through offering direct routes (Free Route Airspace) and the most fuelsaving flight level when possible, though always considering the flight safety 
However, during planning, the airlines must carry fuel equalling the published routes. When the routes, published, are shortened, it means that the airlines already during the planning process can minimise the amount of expected fuelburn. Through optimised flight routes, the flight time will be reduced. And every saved minute of flight implies significant reductions of the CO2 emission

• The aviations’ share of the global CO2 emission constitutes 2 % of the total emission (IPCC, 2007)
• Through alterations of flight routes the aim of the aviation in Europe is to reduce the annual CO2 emission by 240,000 tons during the next 2 years. I.e. 5 new Danish alterations contributes  1.7 % of the aim
• Up to 2010 the aim is to shorten all European flight routes by 2 km annually on average
• For every 1 km saved flight distance, the CO2 is reduced by 10 kg


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