
SES - Single European Sky
The EU targets are set out in the Single European Sky (SES) legislative package from 2004 and various amendments to it, which can be found in an SES II legislative package from 2009.

In accordance with the SES framework, the many geographical areas based on state boundaries were combined to form functional airspace blocks with effect from December 2012. Denmark is part of an airspace block with Sweden – the Danish-Swedish FAB. With SES, performance targets have been introduced (see section on Performance scheme). Powers and responsibilities relating to safety in the ATM area have been transferred to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and Eurocontrol takes care of the pan-European coordination via its role as Network Manager. Furthermore, environmental rules and regulations have been introduced to curb pollution.

Performance scheme
Naviair has been complying with the European performance scheme since 2012. The performance scheme is the result of the Single European Sky legislation through which the EU aims to ensure both more efficient utilisation of European airspace and sufficient airspace capacity to accommodate the growing level of air traffic. Another objective is to cut CO2 emissions and the costs of air navigation services.

The performance scheme is legally binding on EU Member States. ANSPs are measured on their performance. ANSPs that do not satisfy the performance requirements may be subject to corrective action in the form of the imposition of a future rate reduction. Any corrective action will be formulated and initiated by the national authorities.

The performance improvements will be achieved through EU-wide, FAB-wide and nationwide performance targets. The performance scheme comprises the en route area, terminals and airports.

The EU-wide performance targets are adopted by the European Commission and used to prepare a performance plan for each national airspace (nationwide performance targets) or for the Functional Airspace Block (FAB) of which the national airspace is a part (FAB-wide performance targets).

Naviair is comprised by the performance plan for the Danish-Swedish FAB. Performance targets have been set in the following four areas: Safety, Capacity, Environment and Cost efficiency.

SES ATM research - SESAR
SESAR is an offshoot of SES, which runs over the period 2009-2014 (extended to 2016), and is the EU’s research programme for the development of the new generation of an integrated European ATM system. This means that SESAR is the technological approach to testing and finding solutions that can achieve the SES targets.

The programme combines technology with operational, financial and legislative aspects. In 2014, the EU decided to extend the work of SESAR with a new programme called SESAR 2020, which will be operational during the period 2015-2020. SESAR 2020 builds on the experience gained from SESAR and focuses its efforts on fewer areas and more operational needs. Accordingly, the SESAR 2020 programme is now divided into 40 work packages instead of the original approximately 200. 

In 2007, the EU established a joint undertaking structured as a public-private partnership, the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU). The purpose of the SJU is to manage and develop SESAR. The members are: the European Commission, Eurocontrol and the aviation sector (including a number of ANSPs). Each member has one third of the seats and bears one third of the costs. In 2013, the European Council of Ministers extended the SJU to cover the period up to 2024. 

So far, Naviair has been participating in the work of the SJU through NORACON – NORth European and Austrian CONsortium, but this cooperation will come to an end in 2016.

Naviair has been participating in the SJU together with its partners in the COOPANS Alliance since 2015. 

SESAR Deployment Manager
SESAR Deployment Manager SESAR’s work has led to a number of proposals for areas in which common rules should be issued. Against that background, the European Commission introduced new legislation in 2014 featuring six sets of rules collectively designated Pilot Common Projects. These – and future – rules will be launched in the Member States through a governing body, Deployment Manager. 

Together with the other COOPANS partners, Naviair has  been appointed by the European Commission  to help operate the Deployment Manager entity. The Deployment  Manager entity is operated by the following groups: A6, an alliance of ANSPs; A4, an alliance of airlines; and SDAG (SESAR Deployment Alliance Group), a consortium of airports. In 2015, the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) drew up a Deployment Programme that is subdivided into six sets of rules and 44 initiatives (Families). In order for the Pilot Common Projects legislation to be considered to have been implemented, the Deployment Programme must have been implemented. 

The 44 initiatives also form the basis for applications for EU funding under the Pilot Common Projects, which are also coordinated and handled by the SDM before being submitted in one package to the EU funding agency, INEA.  

Naviair participates in the A6 Alliance through the COOPANS Alliance. A6 is an alliance of the largest ANSPs in Europe from countries such as France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Italy. Its aim is to help modernisation of the European ATM network within the SESAR programme for the benefit of customers. Its role is to create synergies between the ANSP members of the SJU, to maximise customer and network benefits, and to provide leadership at a European level in technical and strategic areas. 

The A6 members are bound by a Memorandum of Cooperation and are full members of SESAR. 

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