Pressrelease: Running-in of new ATM System terminated

Issued 30 April 2008


By the end of April 2008 the period of technical running-in of the new Air Control System will be terminated. As of May 2008, Naviair expect normal ATC capacity in Danish airspace and to and from Danish airports.

The running-in of the new Air Traffic Management (ATM) System, which went operational December 2007, was planned terminated by the end of March. However, several technical errors and inexpediencies than expected occurred, involving corrections in the system. Therefore, April also implied minor air traffic delays.

During the past four months, the ATC capacity in Danish airspace has been significantly lower than normally. Prior to the launch of the ATM system, Naviair calculated the average delay per flight through Danish airspace to be 5 minutes. The actual average delay in the first 3 months of the year was 4.6 minutes per operation.



The ATM system is the heart of monitoring and control of the almost 2000 flights each day crossing the Danish airspace – including departures and landings in Danish airports. By means of radars and advanced monitoring- and communication systems, the air traffic controllers can control and handle all crossing flights, departures and arrivals in Denmark.

In the long term, the new ATM System will imply higher ATC capacity in the Danish airspace. This is needed in the years to come due to expectations of growth in air traffic. The technical platform for air traffic control implies maintaining high flight safety despite the said growth.

Naviair is already working with a further development of the ATM System with Sweden and Ireland, within the framework of COOPANS - having the same ATM system delivered by Thales.

As such Denmark is well prepared for the harmonisation of the European airspace, beneficial to Naviair economically and operationally in the future.

For more information, please contact:

Helle Kogsbøll
Communications Coordinator
D +45 3247 7912
M +45 2030 7101

PR & Communications
+45 3247 7905


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