
At Naviair's web briefing pilots can file and Submit a Flight Plan

> Naviair's web briefing

Submit your Flight Plan to Naviair AIS Briefing, Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup.

Please note!
Naviair AIS Briefing will call you back on the telephone number given, for confirmation of the submitted Flight Plan.

You may submit:
IFR Flight Plans at the earliest 5 day and nights before ETD VFR Flight Plans at the earliest 2 day and nights before ETD

If you need to contact Naviair, please click here
EAN 5798000893375 CVR 26059763
Naviair is ISO 9001:2015 certified

Naviair Allé 1 | DK 2770 Kastrup | Telefon: 3247 8000 | Fax: 3247 8800 | presse@naviair.dk